Game-Based Learning the School of Gaming Way

School of Gaming's goals are quite well encapsulated in the term digital citizenship. A good digital citizen possesses the necessary digital skills and attributes to succeed in the future world and to make it a better place for others as well.
Written by
Mikko Perälä

Game-based education as a method is a relatively new addition to digital youth work. So much so that the terminology is not yet standardized, and the educational content and objectives behind the terms may not necessarily align, regardless of the term used.

As the principal of School of Gaming, I do not claim to be the ultimate apostle of game-based education or to know everything there is to know about the subject. However, I am an expert in how School of Gaming leverages game-based education methods to cultivate better future digital citizens among gamers.

Digital Citizenship and Digital Skills

Our operational goals are quite well encapsulated in the term “digital citizenship”. A good digital citizen possesses the necessary digital skills and attributes to succeed in the future world and to make it a better place for others as well.

Essential skills for a digital citizen include, among others:

  • Digital literacy and technological proficiency
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Positive communication and empathetic digital interaction
  • Online safety and cybersecurity

Games and playing together under the guidance of a trained game-educator serve as an excellent platform for learning these skills.

School of Gaming's approach to guiding gamers towards these goals follows a model used in many beneficial and developmental hobbies. Having been involved in scouting, I have incorporated some of its best parts into our activities. I see the internet and digital networks as the forest and nature for us gamers. To navigate and act correctly in this environment, we need to know ourselves well, behave appropriately towards others, set an example with our behavior, take care of our community and environment, and know how to use technology and interpret the media and data produced by networks.

What Does School of Gaming Actually Do?

Concretely, we organize activities for children and adolescents in our safe online community. The community is open only to parents who have verified their identity and their children. This way, we know all members of our community and can contact any parent if necessary. Safety is our top priority!

No One Has Fallen Asleep in These Lessons

Our activities include weekly online lessons that can be added to one's schedule, according to their own timetable. Lessons are held in the afternoons and evenings, six days a week.

Depending on the lesson's theme, gamers go through a story-driven adventure created by the game-educator or work on a project devised by the game-educator. The lessons have a clear structure and include the aforementioned educational elements without feeling like regular school. School of Gaming is the coolest school around, and no one has fallen asleep in our lessons!

Check our lesson schedule here.

Gaming Clubs Bring Like-minded Friends Together

In addition to lessons, we organize weekly online gaming clubs. While these clubs don't have narrative educational or pedagogical content, they contain all the most important aspects one could hope for in a hobby: new friends, a safe space for engaging in activities, a supportive community, a competent and safe adult role model, and lots of fun activities. Gaming clubs are available in different games: Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, Overwatch and Rocket League.

Check the schedules for the gaming clubs here.

You Don't Need Mosquito Repellent for Gaming Camp

In addition to lessons, we offer popular holiday gaming camps. These are also held online, allowing participation from anywhere, even from grandma's house. Summer and Christmas holidays are the most popular times for these camps. You can find the camps here.

Community Events

Every week, we organize online events open to all our members in our community. These include various Minecraft competitions and challenges, or tournaments in Rocket League, Fortnite, or Overwatch.

Our extensive and ever-evolving Minecraft world is freely accessible to SoG gamers even outside of lesson times. There's always plenty to do, friends to meet, and activities to participate in all year round.

Our Own Mini-LANs Twice a Year

Twice a year, we organize SoG mini-LANs at the Helsinki Exhibition Centre in cooperation with Assembly. There, screen nicknames get faces, eyes, and noses, deepening online friendships even further. Gamers get to meet their gaming educator and enjoy fun activities over the 1-3 days of the event. Parents are welcome too! I, the principal, and our entire team are there to meet gamers, parents, and educators.

The Hottest Wheels in the Neighborhood Belong to Our Gaming Van

Another offline activity at School of Gaming is called the Gaming Van. It's a van loaded with gaming equipment, traveling around Finland to organize cheerful events for gamers of all ages. Our clients are typically municipalities, shopping centers, or various fairs. We cruise into town when called upon and let the games begin! The Gaming Van's tour days can be followed on our website.

How to Get Involved?

If you're interested in joining School of Gaming, you can become a member by registering yourself and your gamer for a lesson. Try it risk-free for the first time. If you want your money back afterward, that's no problem!

You can also participate in our regular Open House events or trial lessons without any commitment. We announce these on our website.

Welcome all future digital citizens and gamers to the safe halls and walls of School of Gaming!

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